Upregulation Of Genes At The Dermal-Epidermal Junction With Microneedling

Over the years I have noted clinical improvement in my patients using lesser depths of injury with microneedling than typically recommended by the industry.  This peaked my curiosity and I began researching the possibilities that would explain the unexpected.   Targeting the dermal-epidermal junction corrects loss of structural integrity (the cause of wrinkles and lax skin) through upregulation of genes that result in increased production of collagen types IV, VII and XVII (as well as I and III).  In addition, other components of the DEJ are upregulated to restore adhesion.

I presented these findings in an abstract at the Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medical World Congress in Monaco in March, 2015. They could be applied to other rejuvenation treatments besides microneedling where targeting the dermal-epidermal junction essentially creates less collateral damage and downtime.  To view the abstract please click on the following link:  Upregulation of Genes at the Dermal Epidermal Junction