Dear Dr. Lance Series –“Can Microneedling Make Wrinkles Worse?

Here is the question that prompted the course: “Can Microneedling Make Wrinkles Worse?”  (Others
also ask, “Can It Cause Scars?”) 

“Dr Lance, we have introduced medical microneedling into our Clinic in the last three
months.  However, some clients have commented they feel their wrinkles are
more noticeable.  Your thoughts?  Thank you.”

This is a common question and the answer is yes!  It seems absurd that a treatment to improve wrinkles would actually make them worse.  How can that be? There are several possibilities.  

The increased wrinkling may be temporary in some cases, or permanent.

Can anything be done to fix the problem?  

Again, the answer is yes, but this may be a very long process.  

First, you need to establish what caused the problem in order to know how to treat it.  These complications are, for the most part, predictable and preventable. It is a travesty that practitioners are ruining people’s faces and lives due to a lack of training and understanding.  “Prevention” is better than “cure”.  

Here is a systematic approach to establishing underlying causes, along with their solutions.